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Online Catalog
Ultrapac Pre-Treat LVC
Category:Online Catalog
Prochem Chemicals
Prochem Traffic Lane Cleaners
Model Number:S903
 Ultrapac Pre-Treat LVC is a fragrance-free, premium concentrated pre-conditioning carpet cleaner. Up to 1:32 dilution delivers cost-effective high quality cleaning. Ideal for routine cleaning, with the power to clean heavily soiled carpet. Low vapor formulation reduces solvent vapors and odors during cleaning. Contains no added fragrance. Use in homes, offices, oily restaurants, anywhere there’s dirt, grease and oil. Pre-Treat LVC cleans better than harsh degreasers and high-pH cleaners. Easy to use, cost-effective and leaves no resoiling residue... smart choice for the professional cleaner.


pH: 9.5-9.8 ready to use

Dilution Routine Cleaning: 4 oz. per gallon

Dilution Heavy Soil: Up to 6 oz. per gallon

Packaged In: Gallons



Material Safety Data Sheet

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