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Online Catalog
Professional Spotting Kit
Category:Online Catalog
Prochem Chemicals
Prochem Spot & Stain Removers
Model Number:K250
This is the most complete and practical kit on the market for dealing with the wide range of stain problems faced by every professional cleaner. ­You’ll be able to fill more of your customer’s needs, efficiently and easily. It’s the perfect kit for carpet, fabrics and hard surfaces. 


Includes: Tamping Brush, Sprayers, Terry Towels, Product Selection Guide, MSDS booklet, Pro Spotter™ RTU General-Purpose Spotter, Citrus Gel™ Non-volatile Solvent Spotter, Power Solvent™ Volatile Solvent Spotter, Protein and Stain Spotter, Rust Remover, Coffee and Tannin Spotter, Zoop™ Enzyme Spotter, Solv Ink, Pet Spotter and Deodorizer, Paint, Oil & Grease Remover




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