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Online Catalog
All Fiber Rinse
Category:Online Catalog
Prochem Chemicals
Prochem Detergents & Shampoos
Model Number:B109
 All Fiber Rinse is a unique, high-tech rinse cleaner product for complete cleaning of carpet and water-cleanable upholstery. Rinses out soil and residue better than water alone! The safe, organic acid in All Fiber Rinse neutralizes alkalinity & removes detergent residues, leaving fibers clean and soft. Helps to stabilize dyes and inhibits browning and color bleeding. Meets specifications for use on stain-resistant carpet.


pH: 4.5-5.5 ready to use

Dilution: 1 to 8 oz. per gallon depending on application

Packaged In: Gallons, 55 gallon Drum

Material Safety Data Sheet:

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