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Online Catalog
XL-333 Extraction Liquid
Category:Online Catalog
Prochem Chemicals
Prochem Detergents & Shampoos
Model Number:S825
XL-333 delivers powerful cleaning in an easy-to-use liquid. Builders, detergents plus solvents quickly cut through tough soil and leave the carpet clean. Powerful enough for commercial buildings and restaurant carpets, yet safe for residential carpet. Cleans in hot, warm, and cold water. Meets specifications for use on stain-resistant carpets, phosphate-free & contains corrosion inhibitors.


pH: 9.6-9.9 ready to use

Dilution Portables: 2 oz. per 5 gallons

Dilution Truckmount: 1 quart per 5 gallons

Packaged In: Gallons, 5 gallon Pail, 55 gallon Drum

Material Safety Data Sheet:

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